In AWS, We are creating the Instances in Ec2 as a service. we can able to connect our Ec2 instances from our local machines. For Connecting ...
In AWS, We are creating the Instances in Ec2 as a service. we can able to connect our Ec2 instances from our local machines.
For Connecting the Ec2-Instances we shall use windows Putty, PowerShell, etc. From Mac, Linux Terminal Itself sufficient.
In the AWS we have the additional option to connect an instance from the browser itself which is called as
Ec2-Instance Connect.
Note: The Ec2-Instance Connect support only the following Linux distributions
1. Amazon Linux 2 (any version)
2. Ubuntu 16.04 or later
Now, we will see how to connect ec2-instance using Ec2- instance connect.
First, we need to create the Ec2-instance either amazon Linux or Ubuntu.
Once the Instance state getting available and the status check passes 2/2, we are ready to connect the instance.
Choose Instance which is going to connect using Ec2-instance connect. then click connect option.
After clicking connect option it will show you the four connecting options, we are going to connect our instance using Ec2 instance Connect.
Check the instance id and username and click connect option. it will open the SSH terminal in another tab.
In the Browser itself, you can run your commands.
If you are not ideal then the session goes to the end state. if you want to reconnect again you can refresh the page once again it will open the new session.