The Modern Software development workflows into Devops, so we need to use the build tool for the devops process. Now Jenkins is one of the bu...
The Modern Software development workflows into Devops, so we need to use the build tool for the devops process. Now Jenkins is one of the build tools widely used in software companies.
What is Jenkins?
Jenkins is an open-source Automation server, which was written in Java. it was used to automate the software development and deployment process, In technically called continuous integration, and continuous delivery. Jenkins is used to automating the software process, so developers can work easily and it will automate the testing process as well.
Jenkins pipeline:
Jenkins Pipeline ("Pipeline" or "P") is a suite of plugins that supports implementing and integrating continuous delivery pipelines into Jenkins.
We installed Jenkins on the AWS Amazon Linux server.
Jenkins Installation Steps:
1. Before going to install Jenkins needs to update the server.
Command: sudo yum update -y
2. Jenkins is basically a java-based Tool, so need to Install the java package.
Installing the latest version of java.
Command: sudo yum install java-1.8.0
3. After the installation check the java version.
Command: java -version
It shows the installed version, here version 1.8 was installed, but it shows the old version, so we need to remove the older version of java.
4. Removing the old java version.
Command: sudo yum remove java-1.7.0-openjdk
5. Add the Jenkins stable repos to the server.
Command: sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo
6. Need to add and import the Jenkins key.
Command: sudo rpm --import
7. Once installed the repositories and keys, Install the Jenkins.
Command: sudo yum install jenkins -y
6. After the installation starts the Jenkins using the below command.
Command: sudo service jenkins start
Jenkins default port was 8080, If you using aws ec2 instance must add the 8080 in inbound rules If your using the light sail server need to add 8080 in the networking console.
Now Jenkins up and running need to configure the admin access and install the suggested plugins
9. Go to browser and browser the URL http://ipaddress:8080
It will display the like below image.
Once all plugins were installed it moved to the next page, it was an admin user and password creation dialog box.
In this need to give a name password email address.
Once given the all required fields click Save and continue.
Now the Jenkins was ready to use. We can use delivery software as much as faster...